Mike & Molly (TV Series)

Bonanza Productions

Produced by Chuck Lorre, Julie Bean, Mona Garcea, Mark Gross, Alan J. Higgins, Tony Hicks, Stephen Prime, Carla Filisha, Grant Johnson, Don Foster, Todd Stevens, Mark Roberts, Bill Daly, Suzanne McCormack, Brian Keith Etheridge, James Burrows, Kathy Nawabi, Michael Glouberman, Erica Neilsen, Rob DesHotel, Bob Myer, Alex Herschlag, Steve Joe, Breanna Mosley, Jim Patterson, Cheryl Holliday, Mark Cross and Michael Collier


Seasons 3 – 6 (84 episodes)

Stand-in for Swoosie Kurtz (Seasons 3 and 4) and Melissa McCarthy (Seasons 5 and 6)



Billy Gardell

Melissa McCarthy

Reno Wilson

Katy Mixon

Swoosie Kurtz

Nyambi Nyambi

Louis Mustillo

Rondi Reed

Cleo King

David Anthony Higgins